Thursday 20 August 2015

The Perfect Palette Tag

Today I'm doing a Tag post as I think sometimes these are a little bit of fun and are a chance to show more of your personality, and be yourself. Today's is the Perfect Palette tag and this tag was made for me as I am addicted to buying palettes and I have quite a few this is going to be hard I can tell! I'd like to say too before I start that palettes are something I like to collect and a lot of them had been bought with my own money or with birthday money etc. I haven't bought them all in one go most of them in about 3-4 years or longer.

1. Best Packaging
Without a doubt the Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette, I am just in love with this packaging it is so gorgeous and I also really love the way it's magnetic, it seems to make it feel like a more luxurious product, although it already is but it just makes me love it all the more!(if that's possible) If you'd like to see more pictures of the Naked Smoky palette I have a haul where I featured it here

2. Best colour Payoff
The Palette I have Which I think has the most payoff would be my Mac warm neutrals palette, all the colours I find are really great pigmentation, the glittery/shimmery shades are so pigmented and buttery and they work amazing on my eyes. I think the Urban Decay Naked 2 would come a close second but I love them both!

3. Most Versatile
The most versatile is such a hard one for me as I have so many great all round versatile palettes but I think The Balm's Nude Tude palette is a great one for any time of year/any specific makeup look/ smokey/light pinks/golds all sorts and the amount of different makeup looks I've made and loved from this palette is amazing! And it's great value for money for all these varieties of eye shadows!

4. Best for travelling
The palette I always have to take with me whenever I travel would have to be a MUST every time I go away for the weekend or round to a friends, just because it's so travel friendly and the eye shadows are so simple and easy to wear. It has to be my Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics palette!

5. Biggest Regret 
At the moment the palette I regret buying most in my collection is probably my Mac quad which I have half filled up, Don't get me wrong I loved it when I first got it but haven't barely touched it since buying other palettes so it's a waste of money for me more than anything, mainly because both eye shadows retail for £10 each and the palette itself around £6 or more so that's already £26 and I have just recently bought the Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette which I managed to snatch up for £28 yes you heard that right! on the feel unique website when there was a £10 off offer going on, I just feel like two eye shadows isn't a lot when I spent just over £25 on it! 

Although I have loved using the shade 'Omega' on the left hand side for my eyebrows I have recently discovered many other eye shadows for my brows and have completely forgotten about it! I will definitely give it a go again because I know it was £10 for that single eye shadow itself! *sad face* The main reason I regret buying this is I feel like the money I spent is a waste for only two eye shadows! 

6. Best colour names
My favourite colour names by far would be in the Mac Warm neutrals palette, I just think they're so unique and cute and I love looking at the back of the palette so see the eye shadow I'm using because they are all so different and I don't think I've ever seen any of the names on any other brands eye shadows so I love them because of the quirkiness and individuality of the names.

7. Least Used
The Least used palette I have would probably be the Mac quad the one that I said I regret the most, mainly because I've found other products that are similar, and I have just never really gone back to this palette I did enjoy using it when I did, but compared to all my other palettes this is the least used I think.

8. Most Used
The most used palette in my collection would definitely be this one! The Naked 2 palette was my first proper 'big' palette as I'd always had little quads from Boots and Superdrug (the drugstore those who aren't from the UK) and was also my first proper high end makeup item, so I used this for about a year and a half until I started buying more palettes and I actually hit pan on some eye shadows which to me is quite difficult now I have tried so many eye shadows! Also I did end up dropping this palette on a solid floor and smashed a few shades which fell out, including the black and the shade that I am actually missing! luckily it wasn't one of my favourite shades!

9. Most Loved
Okay so this is such a hard question so I'm picking two! I just am hahah! It's got to be my Mac warm neutrals palette and the Urban Decay Naked Smoky, because I literally keep these two in pride of place on my makeup vanity and they seem to be my most reached for out of all my palettes. I know the Naked smoky is new but I have never had a palette with lots of smoky colours and now I'm obsessed with them! And the Mac palette was just so expensive I try my best to keep my clumsy paws away from ruining it or worse dropping it like my Naked 2! These are just both my absolute go to palettes at the moment!

10. Desert Island
If I were to be stranded on a desert island I probably wouldn't bother with eye shadow? Is that silly I don't know but if I were to pick I would go for something simple and easy to fit in my pocket like my Naked 2 basics palette it's perfect for travel like I said in number 4 and is a great handbag essential for me. Although if I really was on a desert island do you think I would be using eye shadow haha... you tell me!

If you'd like to do this Tag then I Tag you! Make sure you send me the link so I can have a read of your Perfect Palette Tag!

Have you tried any of the palettes I've included, or If so do you have any recommendations for me?



  1. the new Urban Decay palette though, oh my goshhhh it's so beautiful!! xxx

    1. I know, I'm so in love! it's so worth the money! xxx

  2. I love this post, I agree with you on the Naked Basics palette its so great for travelling! I'm yet to pick up the Naked Smoky palette, defs need to get my hands on that!

    Lauren xo

    1. It is so good for travelling! and yes I think you should so many makeup looks you can make with it! xx

  3. I love posts like these as I am such a lover of a palette.. or ten haha! I love my urban decay naked 2 palette! Great post xx
    Tasha Rose Beauty

    1. Me too! I thought it'd be a great blog post idea as I'm so palette obsessed! I do love that palette, but then again I'm biased as I just love them all haha! Xx

  4. i feel like i'm the only one without the naked smoky palette - it's so pretty! i love the naked 2 palette, so many beautiful shades. i'm still to try the mac eyeshadows as well x

    1. You aren't the only one! It is lovely and the Naked 2 is a lovely alternative! xx

  5. The new urban decay palette is gorgeous! I haven't yet bought a proper palette so I will go for that one when I finally do buy a palette :)

    Sarah |

    1. I do recommend it! It's such a great all-rounder as you can do so many different looks with it! x

  6. I love this post! The two shades in your MAC quad are so pretty and look exactly like the kind of shades I wear just for my everyday look! x
    Rachel Coco

    1. Aww the MAC eye shadows are good! I have rediscovered them since writing this blog post and I love Woodwinked the one on the right for a gold eye! So pretty xx

  7. The Naked palettes are so gorgeous!
    Alicia :)

  8. So jealous you have all of these palettes!! The Naked 2 is my go to everyday palette, and I have a Lorac one that I take on my travel trips :)

    xoxo Emily

    1. I love naked 2 as well! great for more natural eye makeup. I'd love to try the Lorac one but might be quite hard to get hold of in the UK! :( xx

  9. I'm with you with Naked Smokey being the best packaging - it's so gorgeous and I love the snap it makes when you close it aha. Not to mention the shades are divine!

    Musings & More

    1. Yes I agree! The snap of the lid is so satisfying haha! I couldn't live without it now x


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